Reliance Contractors fully supports the national program to provide opportunities for all categories of small businesses to participate in our prime contracts as subcontractors. In carrying out our responsibilities we establish challenging subcontracting goals for our contracts and assign responsibilities to meet these goals.
Prospective Subcontractors
Reliance understands that to most effectively serve our customer, we must maintain a strong team. Accordingly, Reliance takes great pride in building solid and longstanding relationships with our subcontractors and suppliers. These relationships are based upon a foundation of mutual respect and honesty. Reliance is well known among subcontractors and suppliers for being a preferred contractor to work with. We invite all highly competent prospective subcontractors, regardless of trade, to complete a Subcontractor Information Form by clicking on the link below. We sincerely look forward to the opportunity to team with your company on future projects.
Current Subcontractors
It is critical we have up-to-date information regarding our current subcontractors’ qualifications and capabilities to ensure all subcontractors are appropriately utilized on future projects. Therefore, we request all current subcontractors complete a Subcontractor Information Form regularly (at least annually) by clicking on the link below.